Friday, September 28, 2012

The Process

Raising a guide dog puppy has been something I've wanted to do since my freshman year of high school when I found out about guide dogs and all they can do for those with vision impairments.

I have lived my entire life with strabismus and amblyopia despite aggressive treatment; I was the kid with the wandering eyes and the patch on my left eye. Being made fun of was just one of the many fun parts of my vision problem but over the years other problems have become much more life altering.  The lack of depth perception that comes with my eye condition has at times been hard to deal with like when i was a kid and constantly fell and tripped or when I turned 16 and was denied my driving permit until I got a letter from my eye doctor. Despite finally getting my drivers license at 18, driving is still something I avoid like the plague because I just don't feel confident; I guess essentially being blind in one eye can do that.

While my eye condition has at times been a frustrating challenge, I'm so very thankful that I can see! I feel so blessed and I want to give back to those that aren't so lucky in any way I possibly can!
I've waited years to finally raise a guide dog puppy and the time is finally right, I just hope I am successful! Thank you Guide Dogs Of America for this amazing opportunity. Thank you Phil, my amazing husband, for going along with my crazy ideas and sorry for the sleepless nights that are likely ahead (lol) just remember you agreed to this!

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